Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Justin Bieber

This video represents the flirtatious interaction between boys and girls. The typical boy likes girl, girl plays hard to get, but in the end they get together and go about their teenage business. It seems that Justin Bieber approaches his love interest in a traditional way. He sings lovely lyrics to her, and he also try to impress her with his dance moves. The video takes place in a bowling alley, which may indicate the advances of teenage groups towards the 21st century. A bowling alley much like the movie theathers or arcades is safe and fun at the same time. Throughout this video, you are able to watch a very clean interaction between the teens; however this is a very different story among teenagers now days.  Ludicrous gives this teen-pop song a more grown up feel to Bieber’s music , and it also shows just a hint of the many mixtures of musical genres that’s is been happing in the new millennium .